
Swiss Franc

This tag is associated with 7 posts

The Norwegian Kroner as a safe haven?

Post the Swiss National Bank pegging the CHF to the EUR, with a minimum exchange rate of CHF1.20, forex traders have been scurrying to find a new safe haven, and some have been turning to the Norwegian Kroner (NOK). Norway has a strong fiscal position with a positive account surplus, a fiscal surplus and a … Continue reading

Correlating currencies – the EUR and CHF

The EUR/USD and USD/CHF have a nearly perfect inverse correlation, often over 90%. That means that, 90% of the time, when one forex pair rises the other will fall and vice versa. The foundation of the relationship Over a 12-month period, most currencies that trade against the US dollar have a correlation of above 50%. … Continue reading

Use government intervention in your forex trading

Valuing currencies The forex market revolves around the value of currencies in relation to the values of other currencies. These values play a large economic role, especially in the prices of imports and exports. Currencies are either valuated by the market, or by governments. In the market, the value of assets is determined by supply … Continue reading

Intervention risk in the forex market

The past few months have been a volatile time for the markets, and forex, usually the most liquid of them all, has been no exception. Considering the US debt ceiling announcement, S&Ps downgrading US debt from AAA to AA+ and the US and Europe’s respective debt crises, this isn’t surprising. However, another element has been … Continue reading

Forex features – safe haven currencies – the USD

Why is the USD a safe haven currency? The US economy is in much worse shape than that of the CHF, another safe-haven currency. In theory, a safe-haven currency should also be resilient to global economic problems, which the US is not, a result of having major trading partners across a number of continents. However, … Continue reading

Forex features – safe haven currencies – the CHF

The CHF is considered to be a safe-haven currency for a number of reasons, including economic fundamentals, a lack of competition and liquidity. Economic fundamentals Switzerland has a strong economy with low inflation, low unemployment and conservative and transparent monetary policy. Its business environment is also highly competitive, along with low corporate tax. Swiss exports … Continue reading

Safe haven currencies

What is a safe haven currency? A safe haven currency is a currency that is considered to be safe during geopolitical and economic turmoil. Consequently, when events like natural disasters, war and stock market crashes occur, currency traders invest in safe havens, causing the value of the safe haven currency to rise and the value … Continue reading

Please note:

I am not a financial adviser, and the information in this blog is just intended to inform and not advise. Please remember that forex is a leveraged product, so it’s possible to lose more than your original investment. Forex trading might not suit everyone, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved with this type of trading.